Wednesday, May 10, 2006


For the month of May at all of our masses, we are using a prayer composed by Sr. Mary Doonan  MMM. We will also feature this prayer and recent photographs sent by Sr. Mary in the combined St Kizito celebration and our Ladies Help of Christians on the weekend of the 27th May 2006.

Mary commented I always marvel how Mary like most women knew what it meant to be daughter, wife, mother and friend...surely someone with experience any woman or family can call on. I guess from very early on in life Mary has always been a "role model" or someone who both challenged and encouraged me in life.
Below is her beautifully composed prayer.

O God you called Mary to be the Mother of Jesus. Mary, our Mother also knew what it was to live as daughter wife and friend on this earth. Grant us the grace of opening our lives to all that you call us to be. Give us the mind and heart of Mary that we too may bear Christ to the world