It was my first year of retirement and I was looking for a challenge. When a friend suggested the Great Victoria Bike Ride I immediately dismissed it. However the idea played on my mind and before long I was committed. The thought of using it to raise money for our Malawi parish was, in all honesty, an after thought. I put out a feeler via the internet, emailing friends and family, explaining our connection with Malawi and suggesting that anything from one cent a kilometre, [keeping in mind the ride was almost 600 k] would be gratefully accepted. The response was wonderful and before long I had $1020.00 of sponsorship. Until now it had not occurred to me to do my own fund- raising but we are all part of our sister parish, St Kizito’s, and therefore I guess any one of us can come up with an idea to help. It made the entire experience so worthwhile and I am delighted to have achieved both the ride and the funds.
Above image: Trish Taylor refreshing and re-energising on watermelon

Above image: Trish Taylor refreshing and re-energising on watermelon