Monday, December 08, 2008


On behalf of the committee I am pleased to report that we are again delighted with the level of generosity within the parish.

The year began on a very positive note with a letter of thanks from Fr F Taylor informing us our last remittance was used to facilitate flooring and plastering at the new church / hall at Natandire. He told us the Christians were very happy in their new church. The work is now almost complete and we were delighted to learn the new church has been named ‘Our Lady Help of Christians’. The church is to be consecrated next year in May 2009 and I have accepted their invitation to attend. Any members are also welcome to attend. You can view pictures of the new church on the Malawi notice board in the gathering area of the church or by visiting our website at

Next year will involve a significant change in our funding support to embrace humanitarian type projects rather than our previous focus on desperately needed community building works. Any donations parishioners may care to make to these important projects will make an enormous difference to the lives and outcomes of our extended parish family, in these outlying impoverished areas of Mt Siriza and Ntandire. Please see our treasurer Bernie Murray if you would like to make a donation.

The two projects that Fr Taylor has designated for us to help fund in 2009 are as follows.

- Paying school fees for orphans in primary and secondary schools for the areas of
Mtsiriza and Ntandire.

- Assisting feeding 6o nursery school children for Mtsiriza
The Nursery is run by Mtsiriza Church.

Activities this year

This year we conducted a Crazy whist fundraiser card night which was enjoyed by everyone, including many who had not previously played who learnt to play for the first time. The night raised $700.

Our theatre night continues to be succesful and we enjoyed the hilarious comedy written by Alan Ayckbourn entitled Absurd Person Singular.
The theatre was fully booked and we raised just under $1600 including proceeds from the raffle. In attendance were students from La Trobe University who were all from the Ithaca campus of Cornell University in NY and were over here for a semester to study Australian history. They all enjoyed there local cultural experience.

Raffles as always have also been very successful.

At our AGM current office bearers confirmed they continuance for the 2009 year.


Last Sunday the 23rd Nov 2008 Lilonge experienced its' first rains for the season and some poeple may start planting maize. Unfortunately the rains caused damage to property, including the Ntandire Church and School which takes os all of children from the area. Rectification work has already begun. Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 29, 2008


ST Kizito Parish

27th Aug 2008.

Dear Friends of St Kizito,

I arrived back in Malawi in early August and was delighted to see the progress the Christians had made in Ntandire. They put in glass in all the windows, fixed most of the seats, built toilets for both men and women. They also managed to increase the size of the plot.
In their discussions they proposed the name of the church ‘Our Lady Help of Christians’.

Our hope is to invite the Bishop to bless the Church next year 2009. It would be after Easter sometime. We will also bless the new hall at St Kizito on 3rd June 2009 or nearest Sunday.

Thank you again for all your prayers and support.

God Bless.

Fr Francis Taylor.


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A toilet block has been completed and more land purchsed. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The Malawi Support Group recently held a very successful fundraising theatre night to see the hilarious comedy written by Alan Ayckbourn entitled Absurd person singular.
The theatre was fully booked and we raised just under $1600 including proceeds from the raffle pictured above.
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Monday, May 19, 2008


In attendance at our Malawi Theatre night were students from La Trobe University who were all from the Ithaca campus of Cornell University in NY and are over here for a semester to study Australian history for a term under the guidance of parishier John, pictured with his wife above.
John lectures in the humanities faculty and decided it would be of benefit to them to experience some local culture and consequently they enjoyed the show and our hospitality afterwards.
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Sunday, March 16, 2008


Last evening on the 15th March we conducted a Malawi Crazy Whist fundraiser card night which was enjoyed by everyone, including many who had not previously played and learnt to play for the first time. We had a practice session beforehand. We provided prizes for those with the highest points (although you play in pairs each person keeps a score sheet).In Crazy Whist winners after each hand is completed move to the nearest adjacent table whilst losers remain. However no one remains in the same position as you’re constantly playing against different partners. Losers will eventually be dealt an unbeatable hand and become winners; also pairing against other winners of varying abilities ensures it all evens itself out after several hands.We provided 7 prizes, for the best 5 scores and to add interest for the worst 2 for being such good sports.The night raised $700.
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Thursday, January 31, 2008


Fr F Taylor has sent us a letter of thanks and informing us our last remittance was used to facilitate flooring and plastering. We were overjoyed to hear the christians were very happy in their new church. Work remaining is to paint the walls, install windows, seating and outside tiolets.
Dyson informs us the rainy season for Malawi has brought good falls and the crops are doing fine but in some cases the rains have washed away fertilizers and no yield is expected.
Above is a photo of his family taken during the Christmas Holiday when all of his four children were available. His wife is a primary school teacher currently heading a new school, just a kilometre from the Ntandire Church/Hall shown in the first 2 photos. This is a populous area and that is why one class can have over 100 pupils as you can see from the photo of the children.
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Here are photos taken mid January 2008 inside showing Christmas decorations.
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