In August I gave a talk to the school children, at the request of the school about MSG and pointed out that Malawi, with a population of 16 million (Australia has about out 23 million people), occupies an area less than the size of Tasmania. Hence the country has limited resources
One of the biggest differences I explained is how much better off we are in Australia compared to Malawians – as nearly half the people in Malawi earn only $1 a day. After talking about life in Malawi and the limited facilities in their sister parishes' catholic school when then all watched the video as per below -to enjoy the joyful celebration of the inaugural mass in the new church largely funded by the MSG.
I also read them a story I had composed.
The children were wonderfully attentive and asked many thoughtful questions to subsequently raise $234 from their own efforts by doing odd jobs over the holidays. A further $25 was donated by the tuckshop.