Thursday, March 19, 2020

Meeting In March 2020 by the Malawi Support Group

General business
In relation to the letter from Fr Taylor, indicating the cessation of his mission in Malawi, which is attached to these minutes, the following was agreed:
 It was resolved the group dissolve prior to the end of the financial year, to formally communicate that closure to the parish on the date for the planned celebration of the Feast day of St Kisto to end on a high note.
·       No further fund raising be undertaken
·   A letter be sent to Fr Taylor congratulating him on his Golden Jubilee and seeking confirmation on the timing of our final contribution.
·     Following advice from Fr. Taylor a final meeting is to be held in May or June where arrangements would be confirmed to subsequently cancel the ABN, notify the Charities Commission and close the bank account in accordance with a final resolution of that special meeting, to which formal notice is hereby given. 
Members and everyone are justified in feeling delighted we are ending on a high note.  
Just as can Fr Taylor.   
It was agreed at the respective Masses to celebrate the feast day of St Kizito the Chairman would express our thanks to past and present members, to the parish, and to generous commitments from outside of the parish. All have contributed towards the self-sufficiency which is now in sight for our sister parish.
Note was to be made that $127,000 had been remitted during our 24 years of support to your sister parish, which played no small part in the achievement of the current milestone. Hence it will be pointed out our involvement ceases on a high note. After the Sunday Mass it was suggested a special morning tea would commemorate the occasion when a few photos could be taken.   

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